Excerts from "Mirrors, Strings & Manifolds: The Geometry of Everything," C1994, Pg.6

Time Dilation is an Apparent Effect

Time dilation is an apparent effect. This has been logically demonstrated countless times, yet many physicists still don't get it. If time dilation really affected time, then the phenomenon of "now" would not be shared by the twins in Einstein's famous paradox. When one twin returns to Earth after a relativistic journey, how is it that he can shake hands with his brother when they are physically separated by light years in the time-like dimension? They couldn't if that were the case. We measure time by the rates of physical interactions, all our clocks depend in one form or another on the rates of physical interactions. But I say most emphatically, the rates of any of these local clocks are completely irrelevant to the phenomenon of the present (now). No matter where you travel in the universe, no matter how fast you go, no matter what the rate of the clock you use, the progression of the phenomenon of "now" through the dimension of time is a universal physical constant. Dilating time, if it really affected time, would move an object in the temporal dimension away from the phenomenon of the present. Consequently, nothing which was still in the present would have any potential for interaction with the object. This does not happen. When time dilation to an object occurs as the result of one of our experiments, the object is still accessible by the experimenters once the dilation has been accomplished. If time dilation was not an apparent effect, the object thus dilated would vanish, having been phased out of synchronization with the phenomenon of "now." I'm not saying that it would be impossible to create such a temporal phase shift in material objects, just that it does not occur as a result of relativistic velocities. If you were temporally shifted in phase, the universe would vanish from your perspective, plunged into blackness, because if you are not in phase with the phenomenon of the present, you are not in phase with any of the energy or light in the universe other than yourself. This is because the phenomenon of the present is an energy phenomenon, an impulse wave of energy moving through the dimension of time, and every quanta of energy in the observable universe is a constituent part of this impulse wave.

Using the space-time map I discuss Einstein's twin paradox. In subsequent diagrams I use Kip Thorne's wormhole time machine to demonstrate that the time machine is based on a logical fallacy, that fallacy being that time is actually affected by time dilation. I point out that the relativistic age of an object means nothing to the cosmos, that instead the cosmos measures time in geometric terms as a distance from the primordial singularity (absolute time). At the end of the journey which dilates time for one mouth of the wormhole, I show that in absolute time, both mouths of the wormhole are still the same age. All it takes is for a technician to reset the clocks aboard the spacecraft, and objects put through one mouth of the wormhole pop out the other mouth at the same instant. Kip Thorne merely failed to send a technician to reset the chronometers on the ship, so he recorded the objects coming out at a different time. Had he reset the chronometers to the correct time before he sent any objects through the wormhole, he would have realized his time machine was logically flawed.

Here's another example of time dilation. Suppose I cut a roast in half, throw one half in the freezer, and one half I leave on the table. I come back after a week and examine both roasts. One is terribly decomposed, the other is fresh, but very cold and hard. If I relied on molecular clocks to tell the time by, I might be convinced that changing the temperature of an object causes time to dilate. We know this isn't true, because we don't rely on molecular clocks, and we know both halves of the roast are exactly the same age, because we know that it is not time which slows down in the freezer, it is the rates of certain physical interactions. Our clocks depend on the rates of other physical interactions, but they are physical interactions none-the-less, and as such, they may progress at differing rates under extreme conditions.

An example of such extreme conditions is relativistic motion against the ether. Remember that charge is an ether wind. The charged particles are surrendering energy to space-time and replacing it via gravitational radiation. The cosmological spreadsheet of a particle determines the rate at which the particle surrenders energy to the ether, and its mass reflects the replacement rate of the energy. If I accelerate through the ether, I am racing into a headwind. It takes a charged particle more energy to push against an ether wind, because the energy of encountered quanta of space-time are enhanced by the kinetic energy of the vehicle against them, so it takes more energy to kick the quanta away in the vehicle's direction of motion. As it uses more energy to support charge quantization, it must radiate more energetic gravitons, or a greater abundance of gravitons. The relationship between charge and gravity is stressed. The charged particles have to spend more time making gravitons, their charge winds die down. Charge may be a significant contributor to the rates of physical interactions involving elementary particles. If charge winds die down, charged particles will have a diminished force between them. If the mass of the charged particles are higher, it takes more energy to move them. The combined effects lead to a diminshed rate of physical interactions between charged particles. Clocks relying on the hyperfine transitions of atomic nuclei would slow. The progression of time as a cosmological force, the phenomenon of now, is unaffected. (2008 NOTE: There is a slightly more lucid account of the phenomenon on the String Basics page in the paragraph concerning particle mass.)

Embedding diagrams are discussed and compared with the depiction of an energy-density gradient of space-time which is derived from the corpuscular treatment of energy and space. In the corpuscular treatment of charge mechanics, the space-time near the surface of charged particles can also be said to be curved in one domain because of the energy difference between charge couriers before and after the charge interaction with the nucleus. Keep in mind that it is the gravitational radiation of a particle which represents the fuel of the charge force. Even a particle with a net neutral charge participates in the charge interaction via its quark constituents, and so displays a mass. If the particle has no mass, it sources no gravitational radiation, and consequently should not be considered a stable charged particle. It may, however, participate in the charge force as a courier. Since quanta of similar frequency interact in what I term "phase-mixing" interactions, the density gradient of space-time is smoothed by the depleted quanta of space-time mixing phases in the vicinity of a gravitating body. Corpuscular space-time therefore behaves like a quantum fluctuating foam, because a depleted quanta need not move very far before having such a phase-mixing interaction with another depleted quanta comprising space-time.

Copyright 1994, 2008 by Arnold J. Barzydlo
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