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Neutron 4: 2nd Degree, Polar Star (N4-22P)

The Neutron Shell of 4, a second degree solution which pins two radical strings.

Stereograms of N4-22P

Required Snap Points: 44
Available Snap Points: 42
Pinned Vector Bosons: 2
L1 = 18.71734579" (Structural)
L2 = 15.28265421" (Filler)
Model Diameter: 8.425767919"
Loop Ratio (1:2): 1.224744441
Loop Equation:
6(L1) + 6(L2) = 204"
Snap Point Equation:
6(4) + 6(3) = 42 A.S.P.
Radical Strings:
+ 2 P.V.B. = 44 R.S.P.

Neutron 4: 4th Degree (N4-42S)

Stereograms of N4-42S

The Neutron Shell of 4, a fourth degree solution which pins two radical strings and has a sinusoidal string. It is fairly easy to construct, there are two pairs of structural loops (L2) crossed at 45 degrees. The L1 structural loop has 4 snap points equally spaced. Once you glue the two pairs of L2 loops at 45 degrees, use the L1 loop to align the L2 loops and tack them in place. At this point, if you've done it right, you should have the spherical core structure completed and will note the box shapes at either pole (the L1 string represents the equator of the particle). Tack the corners of the two boxes, then attach filler circlets (L3) to each of the two boxes. Apply the sinusoidal string as pictured, then pin the two radical strings (PVB's) to complete the model. If you have any trouble with these instructions, look at the pictures, it should become clear.

Required Snap Points: 44
Available Snap Points: 42
Pinned Vector Bosons: 2
L1 = 24.2446888" (Structural)
L2 = L1 (Structural)
L3 = 17.1435892" (Filler)
L4 = 48.4893776" (Sinusoidal)
Model Diameter: 7.717324132"
Loop Ratios:
(1:2): 1.0
(1:3): 1.414213125
(1:4): 0.5
(2:3): 1.414213125
(2:4): 0.5
(3:4): 0.3535535
Loop Equation: (L1=L2)
1(L1) + 4(L2) + 2(L3) + 1(L4)= 204"
Snap Point Equation:
1(4) + 4(6) + 2(4) + 1(6) = 42 A.S.P.
Radical Strings:
+ 2 P.V.B. = 44 R.S.P.

Neutron 4: 5th Degree (N4-50S)

Stereograms of N4-50S

This Neutron Shell of 4 is a fifth degree solution with no radical strings, but it does have a sinusoidal string associated with an equatorial structural loop. There are lots of solution sets when you allow sinusoidal strings, and they are easy to build, but difficult to calculate the dimensions of. This shell is essentially a spinoff of the shell above, the model depicted is lopsided (my fault), but it has the same core structure. It varies in position of the sinusoidal string, and one of the filler circlets on the box feature has been exchanged for two smaller fillers.

Required Snap Points: 44
Available Snap Points: 44
Pinned Vector Bosons: 0
L1 = 24.0238416" (Structural)
L2 = L1 (Structural)
L3 = 13.8701763" (Filler)
L4 = 16.9874266" (Filler)
L5 = 36.0357624" (Sinusoidal)
Model Diameter: 7.647026285"
Loop Ratios:
(1:2): 1.0
(1:3): 1.7320502"
(1:4): 1.414213125"
(1:5): 0.666666667"
(2:3): 1.7320502"
(2:4): 1.414213125"
(2:5): 0.666666667"
(3:4): 0.816496614"
(3:5): 0.384900314"
(4:5): 0.471404667"
Loop Equation: (L1=L2)
4(L1) + 1(L2) + 1(L3) + 2(L4) + 1(L5)= 204"
Snap Point Equation:
4(6) + 1(4) + 1(4) + 2(3) + 1(6)= 44 A.S.P.

Copyright 1997 by Arnold J. Barzydlo
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