Nuclear Shell Solutions

Copyright 1997, 2002 by Arnold J. Barzydlo
Please be sure to read the glossary links in the P1 and N1 shells, as I dispense with repetitive links to the glossary in the higher shells.

Proton Shells

P1 (Hydrogen)
P2 (Helium)
P3 (Lithium)
P4 (Beryllium)
P5 (Boron)
P6 (Carbon)
P7 (Nitrogen)
P8 (Oxygen)
P9 (Fluorine)
P10 (Neon)

Neutron Shells

N8 (See P8)
N9 (See P9)
N10 (See P10)

Stacked Shells

He4 (See P2)
Lithium 7

Boron 10

Lepton Models


I have labored to produce stable, low energy, or ground state solutions. But, as difficult as it is to find valid solutions, any solution I did find which was not in violation of the rules has been built and/or documented. I suspect the sinusoidal models might be required to allow for compatibility of quark distributions on adjacent nuclear shells, as well as describing the properties of allotropic elements, but that is a conjecture only. I apologize for the relatively few solution sets I have to offer, I'm sure there are many more. I was hoping to have solutions up to Neon, to determine exactly what it is that makes an inert element inert. Unfortunately, the glued wire techniques I use make it very difficult to solve for the more complex shells by hand and eye. I still feel there are enough shell solutions provided to make an assesment of the functional utility of this string model... at least, I hope so.

Home, Sweet Home
Chemistry Notes
Key to Nuclear Models
Empirical Laws
How to Build Them