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Proton 8: Polar Star, Core Geometry (P8-PCG)(P8-40PS)

I have not built a full set of P8 solutions. They strongly resemble the solutions for P6, at least the Polar Star series does. There is very likely one or more spherical solutions, and because the Polar Star series is getting very distended and oblate, it appears as though the viability of this series is on the wane.

This P8 core geometry utilizes 8 structural and 8 filler loops. It is comprised entirely of Up quarks. Add a polar or equatorial string to make a band of Down quarks, and you have a P8. Add two polar, or one polar and one equatorial circlet and you have an N8. Remove the filler circlets, add two polar circlets, an equatorial circlet, an equatorial-sinusoidal circlet, and you have a sinusoidal P8-40PS as shown below. (Table Data is for P8-40PS.)

Required Snap Points: 80
Available Snap Points: 80
Pinned Vector Bosons: 0
L1 = 29.68598338" (Structural)
L2 = 41.9825114" (Equatorial)
L3 = 32.13278766" (Polar)
L4 = 64.26404627" (Sinusoidal)
Model Diameter: 13.36344843"
Loop Ratios:
(1:2): 0.707103563
(1:3): 0.923853346
(1:4): 0.461937663
(2:3): 1.306531878
(2:4): 0.653281482
(3:4): 0.500011897
Loop Equation:
8(L1) + 1(L2) + 2(L3) + 1(L4) = 408"
Snap Point Equation:
8(6) + 1(8) + 2(8) + 1(8) = 80 A.S.P.
Radical Strings:
+ 0 P.V.B. = 80 R.S.P. (88 for N8)

Copyright 1997 by Arnold J. Barzydlo
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